Deutsche Telekom AG Case Study: Sustainable Leadership Development
Simplifying coaching measures, tracking, and evaluations for executives.

“Growing a strong business starts with growing strong partners. They truly understand our business models and help us achieve results. With their global coach pool, our leaders reach their peak performance and master leadership challenges.”

Daniela Alabiso-Alimpic
Future Leadership Development

At a Glance

About Deutsche Telekom
  • One of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies
  • More than 216k employees worldwide
  • Headquarters in Bonn, Germany
  • Subsidiaries in more than 50 countries
  • Cooperating with bettercoach since 2018


Coaching Statistics

Coachings: approx. 100 p.a.
Programs: 3

Coaches: 80+

Average Evaluation: 4.9/5

Their Challenge
  • Complex processes in Leadership Development that required intensive administration.
  • Executives that expected high-quality coaches to choose from and easy access to coaching measures.
  • Difficulty to keep track of ongoing and completed measures. 
  • Inability to track and analyse the results of the coachings.


The Co-Creation Process

We developed the first real version of the management platform with and for Deutsche Telekom in 2018 to simplify access to coaching measures for Telekom’s executives,  and to reduce the complexity of established HRD processes. 


Additionally, we created a dashboard for HR to easily keep track of all coaching measures as well as their evaluations. 


We set up a high-quality coach pool, including Telekom’s most valued and trusted coaches as well as bettercoach experts.

Coachee Experiences

“The coaching opened up perspectives that were completely new to me and helped me see and do things differently at work as well as in my private life.”


“My coach supported me in finding “my topics” and challenged me with her open and honest approach to find new solutions.”
